Gosala గోశాల

1. Cow care: Improving the living conditions of cows, making sure they are treated with respect and well fed.
2. Eradicating Cow slaughter: Complete eradication of cow slaughter in the country where it is supposed to be worshiped by creating awareness across communities and especially among young people on the importance of safeguarding cows. Eradicating the sale of cows to slaughterhouses and working for complete ban on these slaughterhouses.
3.Taking responsibility of providing appropriate financial resources to Gosalas and provide assistance to their effort. We are working to identify Gosalas across our country and help those in need.
4. Bringing awareness for use of Cow products and the by-products by making this research available to people.
5.Special mention of cows and their importance in all Pravachanams by Samavedam garu to increase the consciousness of cow protection to the public.
Either directly or indirectly, Rushipeetham has helped many Gosalas in the past few years. Rushipeetham Magazine has published these services periodically. Furthermore, Rushipeetham has published information about many Gosalas in many different areas to increase their awareness. Rushipeetham is contributing to different organizations who are working hard to prevent cow slaughter and promote research and development regarding importance of Ayurveda and the use of cow products. Some of the Gosalalas Rushipeetham has helped are:
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